Funding will be used to assist organisations to develop PGF applications. Te Waka is aiming to achieve the following outcomes for Waikato organisations:
- Identify and qualify a pipeline of major projects applicable for PGF funding
- Accelerate the number of projects presented to the PGF
- Secure successful investment deals for projects
- Increase capacity and capability of firms looking for further investment by working alongside existing service providers
- Work closely with Waikato Provincial Development Unit staff to identify and prioritise projects for potential investment
- Develop and maintain a list of projects and their relative position in terms of criteria such as viability, governance/management, fit with regional priorities, connectedness with other projects, stage in their evolution through to investment ready
- Review projects to qualify their viability, filter out non-viable projects, identify what needs to be completed to improve viability, ascertain the position of the project in the pipeline of projects
- Review and guide development of feasibility and business cases with project owners to ensure projects are ready for investment
- Identify and engage with potential funders and assist in securing investment deals
- Provide direction and guidance to project owners for the effective planning, monitoring and delivery of projects